How long does it take to draw a oneLINE?
This is an example of a oneLINE drawing in process. In this phase of every project, Jonathan has to create the path from START to END.
Another common question we receive at Future Drawn is, "How long does it take to do a oneLINE?" The answer truthfully is that it depends. However, in an effort to shed a little light onto the subject, we will do our best to answer your questions.
When Jonathan Applegate first begins a oneLINE drawing the first step is to "frame" the image he is working on. He always begins with a photo of the content. This is true if the content is original (he draws it from his mind) or from an existing photo. In either case, he will use a photo of the scene. All in all this time is usually the quickest in the process, and can take between 15 to 60 minutes.
Next he works out the path of the oneLINE by placing tracing paper on the image. He then uses a combination of pencil and ink to work out how to give the drawing depth with a single line. Also, he has to make sure that he doesn't box himself in or hit a dead end. This process is by far the longest depending upon the complexity of the final piece. We usually plan on about 2 to 4 hours for a good "line map" to be developed.
In the final step, he takes the tracing paper and works with a light box to create a flawless piece on vellum paper. When asked about this portion of a project, Jonathan refers to it as "the easy part" since he is now in the execution phase of his plan. The time it takes for the final step is about 1 to 8 hours depending upon the final size.
So based upon the above analysis, a oneLINE can take anywhere from a little more than 3 hours to the better part of 2 days to complete a piece. This is why we price original drawings based upon the complexity of the image and the size. We want to always be transparent and fair in how we price our art, and we hope this has answered a couple questions.
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