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What is art?

If you ever have a chance to visit Rochester, NY it is worth the money ($15 for adult) to view some of the very best photography in the world at the George Eastman Museum.  There is also a vast camera collection where you can view virtually every model of camera ever conceived by man.  Artistry can be seen in both the craftsmanship and design.  Everything from spy to art deco cameras from the 30's is on display.

However, one of the most striking things about the museum is touring the former home of George Eastman, founder of Kodak.  Like most houses of the time, the goal seemed to be a full fledged display of wealth.  It is also apparent people believed nature had no limit to what it could provide to man.  It seemed that it was acceptable to use animals for everything. George Eastman went on several safaris and he created ordinary items from parts of the animals he shot. 129 years have passed, and now we ask, "Is that art?"

Is making an ashtray out of a bovid's hoof or elephant's foot art?  Is there beauty in creating function out of an animal who was shot for sport? 

Let us know what you think?